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Hiệu ứng pháo hoa_2
NhuQuynhNgày: Thứ Sáu, 2011-09-16, 11:05 AM
Thành viên năng nổ
Nhóm: Administrators
Bài viết: 61
Tín Nhiệm: 0
Trạng thái: Offline
<BODY bgcolor="#000000">
<layer name="a0" left=10 top=10 visibility=show bgcolor="#ffffff" clip="0,0,1,1"></layer>
<layer name="a1" left=10 top=10 visibility=show bgcolor="#fff000" clip="0,0,1,1"></layer>
<layer name="a2" left=10 top=10 visibility=show bgcolor="#ffa000" clip="0,0,1,1"></layer>
<layer name="a3" left=10 top=10 visibility=show bgcolor="#ff00ff" clip="0,0,1,1"></layer>
<layer name="a4" left=10 top=10 visibility=show bgcolor="#00ff00" clip="0,0,1,1"></layer>
<layer name="a5" left=10 top=10 visibility=show bgcolor="#ff00ff" clip="0,0,1,1"></layer>
<layer name="a6" left=10 top=10 visibility=show bgcolor="#ff0000" clip="0,0,1,1"></layer>
<layer name="a7" left=10 top=10 visibility=show bgcolor="#ffffff" clip="0,0,1,1"></layer>
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<layer name="a11" left=10 top=10 visibility=show bgcolor="#00ff00" clip="0,0,2,2"></layer>
<layer name="a12" left=10 top=10 visibility=show bgcolor="#0000ff" clip="0,0,2,2"></layer>
<layer name="a13" left=10 top=10 visibility=show bgcolor="#ff0000" clip="0,0,2,2"></layer>
<div id="starsDiv" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px">
<div style="position:relative;width:2px;height:2px;background:#ffffff;font-size:2px"></div>
<div style="position:relative;width:1px;height:1px;background:#fff000;font-size:1px"></div>
<div style="position:relative;width:1px;height:1px;background:#ffa000;font-size:1px"></div>
<div style="position:relative;width:1px;height:1px;background:#ff00ff;font-size:1px"></div>
<div style="position:relative;width:1px;height:1px;background:#00ff00;font-size:1px"></div>
<div style="position:relative;width:1px;height:1px;background:#0000ff;font-size:1px"></div>
<div style="position:relative;width:1px;height:1px;background:#FF0000;font-size:1px"></div>
<div style="position:relative;width:1px;height:1px;background:#ffffff;font-size:1px"></div>
<div style="position:relative;width:1px;height:1px;background:#fff000;font-size:1px"></div>
<div style="position:relative;width:1px;height:1px;background:#ffa000;font-size:1px"></div>
<div style="position:relative;width:1px;height:1px;background:#ff00ff;font-size:1px"></div>
<div style="position:relative;width:2px;height:2px;background:#ff00ff;font-size:2px"></div>
<div style="position:relative;width:1px;height:1px;background:#0000ff;font-size:1px"></div>
<div style="position:relative;width:1px;height:1px;background:#FF0000;font-size:1px"></div>


<!-- Begin
var Clrs = new Array(9);
Clrs[0] = 'ff0000';
Clrs[1] = '00ff00';
Clrs[2] = '000aff';
Clrs[3] = 'ff00ff';
Clrs[4] = 'ffa500';
Clrs[5] = 'ffff00';
Clrs[6] = '00ff00';
Clrs[7] = 'ffffff';
Clrs[8] = 'fffff0';
var sClrs = new Array(5);
sClrs[0] = 'ffa500';
sClrs[1] = '55ff66';
sClrs[2] = 'AC9DFC';
sClrs[3] = 'fff000';
sClrs[4] = 'fffff0';
var yBase;
var xBase;
var step;
var currStep = 0;
var Xpos = 1;
var Ypos = 1;
var initialStarColor = 'ffa000';
var Mtop = 250;
var Mleft = 250;
function Fireworks() {
if (document.all) {
yBase = window.document.body.offsetHeight / 3;
xBase = window.document.body.offsetWidth / 8;
else if (document.layers) {
yBase = window.innerHeight / 3;
xBase = window.innerWidth / 8;
if (document.all) {
step = 5;
for ( i = 0 ; i < starsDiv.all.length ; i++ ) {
for (ai = 0; ai < Clrs.length; ai++) {
var c = Math.round(Math.random()*[ai]);
if (currStep < 90)
if (currStep > 90)
starsDiv.all[i] = Mtop + yBase*Math.sin((currStep+i*5)/3)*Math.sin(550+currStep/100)
starsDiv.all[i].style.left = Mleft + yBase*Math.cos((currStep+i*5)/3)*Math.sin(550+currStep/100)
else if (document.layers) {
step = 5;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 14 ; j++ ) { //number of NS layers!
var templayer = "a"+j;
for (ai = 0; ai < Clrs.length; ai++) {
var c = Math.round(Math.random()*[ai]);
if (currStep < 90)
if (currStep > 90)
document.layers[templayer].top = Mtop + yBase*Math.sin((currStep+j*5)/3)*Math.sin(550+currStep/100)
document.layers[templayer].left = Mleft + yBase*Math.cos((currStep+j*5)/3)*Math.sin(550+currStep/100)
currStep+= step;
if (currStep == 220) {
currStep = -10;
for (n = 0; n < sClrs.length; n++) {
var k = Math.round(Math.random()*n);
initialStarColor = sClrs[k];
if (document.all) {
Dtop = window.document.body.clientHeight - 250;
Dleft = xBase * 3.5;
Mtop = Math.round(Math.random()*Dtop);
Mleft = Math.round(Math.random()*Dleft); = Mtop+document.body.scrollTop; = Mleft+document.body.scrollLeft;
else if (document.layers) {
Dleft = window.innerWidth - 100;
Dtop = window.innerHeight - 100;
Mtop = Math.round(Math.random()*Dtop+window.pageYOffset);
Mleft = Math.round(Math.random()*Dleft+window.pageXOffset);
document.layers[templayer].top = Mtop;
document.layers[templayer].left = Mleft;
if ((Mtop < 20) || (Mleft < 20)) {
Mtop += 90;
Mleft += 90;
//  End -->



   1.  Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document

   2.  Add the last code into the BODY of your HTML document  -->

<!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document  -->


<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->

<!-- The JavaScript Source!! -->

<!-- Original:  Jacco IJzerman ( -->

<!-- Web Site: -->

<!--[if IE ]>

<style type="text/css">

body { overflow: hidden; }

v\:* { behavior: url(#default#VML); }




<!-- STEP TWO: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document  -->

<BODY bgcolor="#000000">

<!--[if IE ]>

<script language="JavaScript">


colors = new Array();

// Define your own color combinations  

colors[0] = new Array('yellow', 'lime');

colors[1] = new Array('silver', 'green')

colors[2] = new Array('silver', 'blue');

colors[3] = new Array('silver', 'purple');

colors[4] = new Array('purple', 'white');

colors[5] = new Array('blue', 'silver');

colors[6] = new Array('red', 'fuchsia');

colors[7] = new Array('yellow', 'red');

// Define the maximum number of fire arrows

maximum = 1000;


  for(i = 0; i < 12; i++){   

  vmlobj += '<div id="ster'+i+'" style="position:absolute; left:-50px; top-50px; visibility:hidden; z-index:50;">';

  vmlobj += '<v:shape style="width:15px; height:15px;" fillcolor="yellow" coordorigin="0,0" coordsize="200 200">';

  vmlobj += '<v:path v="m 8,65 l 72,65, 92,11, 112,65, 174,65, 122,100, 142,155,92,121, 42,155, 60,100 x e"/>';

  vmlobj += '<v:stroke on="false" /></v:shape></div>';


document.write(vmlobj); vmlobj = null;

aantal = 0;

function begin()


try {

  if(aantal == maximum){ return;}

  kleurschema = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length);

  posLinks = Math.floor(Math.random() * (document.body.clientWidth - 180));

  posLinks = (posLinks < 170)? 170: posLinks;

  posBoven = Math.floor(Math.random() * (document.body.clientHeight - 180));

  posBoven = (posBoven < 170)? 170: posBoven;

  straal = 0; uiteen = true; teller = 1; flikkereffect = false;

  for(var i = 0; i < 12; i++){

  document.getElementsByTagName('shape')[i].setAttribute('fillcolor', colors[kleurschema][0]);

  document.getElementById('ster'+i).style.visibility = 'hidden'; // 5.0 fix

  document.getElementById('ster'+i).style.left = posLinks;

  document.getElementById('ster'+i) = posBoven;


  document.getElementById('ster0') = (document.body.clientHeight - 20);  

  document.getElementById('ster0').style.visibility = 'visible';


} catch(e){}


function omhoog()


try {

   positie = parseInt(document.getElementById('ster0');

   if(positie > posBoven){

   document.getElementById('ster0') = (positie - 25);  

   setTimeout('omhoog()', 50);

   } else {

    for(i = 1; i < 12; i++){

    document.getElementById('ster'+i) = positie;

    document.getElementById('ster'+i).style.visibility = 'visible';




} catch(e){}


function uiteenspatten()


try {

  if(straal > 120 && straal % 10 == 0){  

  flikkereffect = true;

  teller = (teller == colors[kleurschema].length)? 0: (teller+1);


  for(var i = 0; i < 12; i++){

  var hoek = i * 30;  

  var piHoek = Math.PI - Math.PI / 180 * hoek;

  var links = posLinks + Math.round(straal * Math.sin(piHoek));  

  var boven = positie + Math.round(straal * Math.cos(piHoek));

  document.getElementById('ster'+i).style.left = links;

  document.getElementById('ster'+i) = boven;


   document.getElementsByTagName('shape')[i].setAttribute('fillcolor', colors[kleurschema][teller]);



  if(straal < 160 && uiteen){

  straal += (straal < 120)? 10: 5;

  setTimeout('uiteenspatten()', 50);


  else if(straal > 120){

  uiteen = false; straal -= 5;

  setTimeout('uiteenspatten()', 50);


  else if(straal <= 120){

   for(var i = 0; i < 12; i++){

   document.getElementById('ster'+i).style.visibility = 'hidden';



  setTimeout('begin()', 500);


} catch(e) {}





<font face="Tahoma"><a target="_blank" href=""><span style="font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none">JavaScript Code</span></a></font>

Kiệm tra: Tai Day

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